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Read the following dialogue. Pay attention to the use of words and word combinations connected with the topic "Making travel arrangements".

Sam and Molly Almar decide to go to Athens by air. Molly goes to the travel agency to book the tickets.

Molly: Good afternoon. I'd like to book two return air

tickets from Istanbul to Athens,please.

Travel agent: Certainly. When are you travelling?

Molly: We want to take the flight tomorrow afternoon and

come back next Friday afternoon.

Travel agent: First class or economy class?

Molly: Economy class.

Travel agent: Two adults?

Molly: Yes.

Travel agent: And your name is...?

Molly: Almar. A-L-M-A-R.

Travel agent: Initials?

Molly: M.H.

Travel agent: And the other passengers?

Molly: S.J. Almar.

Travel agent: On the 11th and the 14th, did you say?

Molly: That's right. Do we have to change?

Travel agent: No, it's a direct flight. Here are your tickets, Mrs Almar. These are for the outward journey Istan­bul to Athens on flight SN 862 at 17.50 on the 11th of July. And these are for the return journey Ath­ens to Istanbul on SN 863 at 15.10 on the 14,h of July. Don't forget to be at the airport 45 minutes before departure time.

Molly: Thank you. Do you accept credit cards?

Travel agent: Certainly. Thank you. That's TL 6796. Could you

sign here, please? Thank you very much.
Molly: Thank you.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 593 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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