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The Fundamentals – Genes and Genetics

Genes are discrete units of DNA. They are the blueprints which carry the information for the tens of thousands of proteins which act as the building blocks of all the structures and functions (biochemistry) that constitute the body of any organism from bacteria to humans. DNA can be likened to a long string of pearls where each pearl, representing a gene, occupies its own special place in the “necklace” which is vital for its correct function. Genetics, the study of genes, has two basic components. Firstly, there is the information content of each gene; that is, what gene carries the blueprint for which protein. Secondly, genetics has taught us that the activity or expression of each gene is of extremely tightly controlled and regulated. Put simply, each gene has its own set of sophisticated on-off switches to drive its expression ensuring that the correct protein and therefore appropriate structure and function, is present in the right place, time and quantity in the body.

Just as all forms of life are interdependent upon each other for survival and growth, no gene works in isolation from all other genes. The latest discoveries tell us that genes are arranged along the DNA in groups or “families”. The function of a given gene in a group is dependent on all the other genes that are represent within the same family. Furthermore, the genetic activity in one family of genes can effect the function of genes in other groups of genes. It is also clear that genes and the proteins that they rise to, have co-evolved together to form an extremely intricate, interconnected network of finely balanced functions, the complexity of which we are only just beginning to understand and appreciate. In addition, Nature has evolved mechanisms whereby cross breeding can only take place between very close related species. With traditional breeding methods, different variations of the same gene in their natural context (within the necklace of the pearls) are exchanged. This preserves tight control and complex interrelationships between genetic and protein functions that are vital for integrity of life as a whole.

Source: Living Earth. Режим доступа: http://www.psrast.org/mianbree.htm

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