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Discover your fitness personality

What’s the best exercise for you?

Ever wondered why your enthusiasm for sporting activities suddenly goes slack or you will to pump iron melts at the prospect of curling up in front of TV with a box of chocolates? The good news is it’s probably not because you‘re a no-hoper sofa slug – it’s more likely you’re choosing the wrong kind of exercise for your personality.

Former Olympic triathlon champion Daley Thompson is convinced personality plays a big part in sporting success and that everyone can build a healthier lifestyle for themselves by identifying psychological as well as physiological traits. Once you’ve done that, finding an activity you enjoy, you’re good at and which fits effortlessly into your lifestyle is a breeze. What’s more, sticking to that regime becomes a whole lot easier.

To find our whether you‘re born to run or you’re a natural for the lotus position, simply complete this fitness personality quiz.

When it comes to your weight, do you…?

a) Jump on and off the scales

b) Weigh yourself once a week

c) Have a vague idea of your weight

It’s been a hard day at work. After leaving the office you…

have a stroll in the nearest park or garden

call on a friend and discuss the matters with him/ her

head for the local pub and relax there

A gang from the office organized a rounders game in the part. What’s most important to you?

a) the thrill of the win

b) that it’s fun, after all, it’s the taking part that counts

c) the post-match analysis in the bar

You see your bus approaching and you’re still half way up the road. Do you…?

a) Put on a sprint – it’s always worth a try

b) Ave to the driver in an attempt to make him wait while you reach the stop

c) Don’t bother to walk faster (certainly, not in these shoes)

Someone suggests jet-skiing while you’re on holiday. Do you…?

a) Say you’re over jet-skiing and ask who wants to join you in a spot of white-water rafting

b) Decide to give it a go

c) Feel appalled at the very thought of it, and quickly book yourself onto that sightseeing tour instead

Your boss sets you a tricky assignment. Do you…?

a) Break it down into manageable chunks, and get it done with time to spare…..

b) Enlist a colleague to help, and offer to return the favor next time he/she’s pushed.

c) Put it off until the due date, and then work through the night to meet the deadline.

You received a sudden bonus of $350. Do you…?

a) Put it straight into savings account

b) Absorb it into your everyday budget, spending it bit by bit.

c) Rush out and buy that nice stuff you gad your eye on, then blow the change.

You’re reborn as a genius. Which of your many talents are you most proud of?

a) You can beat anyone at tennis

b) The breathtaking goal-scoring skills you display on the basketball court

c) Your moving piano-playing and sensitive way with a paint brush

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 373 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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