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Paraphrase the following, using the key vocabulary of the module (FOCUS 4)

1. But there is still enough talent available, including that of Menzel and Forman (who is apparently returning from Hollywood to make another film at the Barrandov Studious) to push the Czech industry of making films into the limelight again.

2. Some of them actually made their own cameras, and even more strangely, used the cameras to make the films appear in a larger form on a screen after they had made them.

3. We may pray in particular that communities will survive and develop well and that the anger and depression caused by the announcements will be healed.

4. In turn, government should provide industry with incentives to invest in the introduction of new ideas.

5. Some of the books published now would not be successful.

6. He tells me he is to make a single available for people to buy on his own.

7. When she was missing at the place where the film was made, she could be found in the stars’ dressing-rooms.

8. We also recommend four good quality value-for-money wines from Sainsbury’s which are typical examples of a particular style or region.

9. Television commentators call it the biggest meeting outside the Olympics, and while that is an exaggerated praise the standard of competition is amazingly high.

10. She became a writer producing many books: her output included articles, novels, short stories, and children’s books.

11. Tapestry is a traditional craft but the way of making money from it without thinking about its quality in Madeira is fairly recent.

12. For some, discovery methods continue to have more importance than classroom practice.

13. I entirely refuse to accept that suggestion.

14. I think you did it just to please me, or perhaps to satisfy you own deep-rooted urge to be conventional in outward things.

15. To open debate in the Media had, according to the intelligent, well-educated Ding Want, stimulated the students to more reflection on contemporary society.

16. If the government wishes to raise tax revenue in order to give a subsidy to the poor, it should levy a tax on films.

17. Before, the government gave money and support for cultural life, for choirs, all sorts of things that you did because you enjoyed them, and it hasn’t changed.

18. The company name signifies high standard, style and good taste and advertisements are designed to emphasize this.

19. In order to play a pre-programmed masterpiece, all the player has to do is wave a small baton over an electronic array.

20. You should make it clear that she is welcome to entertain any of her friends at home at reasonable times, and help to provide them with the things they want if necessary.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 298 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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