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Paraphrase the following, using the key vocabulary of the module (FOCUS 3). 1. The ability to use your imagination today is characterized by increasing intellectualisation

1. The ability to use your imagination today is characterized by increasing intellectualisation.

2. Our students get great pleasure from their studies.

3. She teaches in a school for children between the ages of 8 and 12, where she has worked for many years.

4. Exam results are used as indicators of student’ achievements.

5. The clever boy gained all the knowledge his teachers could give him.

6. If students are to develop critical abilities, and to see their work in a wider perspective, that too must be built into the course of study and not just expected to happen.

7. I have calculated that the money I would pay for being taught, rent and equipment for the five years of my degree would cost at least £54.500.

8. The Student’s Union is supported financially by an amount of money from the University and by the income it generates itself through commercial services.

9. The first head of Sunday School was Mr. Alfred Lowe and he remained the head of the school for just over nine years.

10. Mr. Malik had been brought up in Cheltenham and had attended a private school, although he was never precise about which one.

11. The Sixth Form at Little Rissington primary school are getting their report cards.

12. Poor marks at school may have a wide variety of causes.

13. Madame Chardin was a teacher with very strict ideas.

14. Children are learning to read long before they have any formal reading teaching.

15. I made copies of the information and gave to the person, who was in charge of all the schools in our area.

16. Apart from herself and John Biffen, all nineteen members of Mrs. Thatcher’s first cabinet were private school men.

17. Tim worked hard and got good marks.

18. There is a school in Ferry Hinksey Road, a type of school between primary and high school, I think, so that’s the only one I know.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 352 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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