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Paraphrase the following, using the key vocabulary of the module (FOCUS 2)

1. Without any encouragement from me he proceeded to recite wapping poetry at considerable length.

2. Crash helmets are obligatory for motorcyclist.

3. I have spent many hours of my life arguing that it is not necessary to be poor to make a rhetorical speech on the evils of poverty, black to describe racial discrimination (to declaim).

4. Imaginative and headstrong, he became an art student throwing himself whole heartedly to all the activities outside the regular course of studies.

5. Teachers undergo various courses to learn new methods and more modern ways of teaching.

6. The use of physical force became an issue both in the armed forces and the public schools.

7. He is married to another former Birmingham student, Susan Peters, who graduated in 1985.

8. Many were simply too busy doing other things and although not all were involved in the student tides discussed, a majority of them were devoting, their energies to the activities, which were not part of the academic work.

9. Professor Raymond Smallman, Vice-Principal of the University and a Birmingham graduate, has received a double accolade this summer.

10. Academic results are high and most go on to continue their education.

11. Where there are no manners, order must be imposed.

12. He had the appearance of a scientist and the reserved manner of a clergyman.

13. So far there have been very few legal challenges to disciplinary action falling short of exclusion apart from those, concerning the use of physical punishment which is now banned in the state sector.

14. He was a holder of a scholarship at both the Kings School, Canterbury and Lincoln College, Oxford, although he only obtained a second class in modern history.

15. I found myself living next to the University of Bristol, for the majority of my compelled stay in the Middle East.

16. I decided to join the course of “Art for Beginners”.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 337 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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