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C) Future Simple - shall be, will be

a) 1. My name ___ Shirley Frank.

2. My phone number ___ 718-1930.

3. I ___ from New York.

4. My brother ___ a worker.

5. They ___ at home.

b) 1. My father ___ a teacher.

2. He ___ a pupil twenty years ago.

3. Last month they ___ in the Hermitage.

4. I ___ ill last week.

5. Yesterday we ___ at the theatre.

c) 1. I ___ a doctor, when I grow up.

2. She ___ at school tomorrow.

3. When I come home tomorrow, all my family ___ at home.

4. My sister ___ not ___ at the university tomorrow.

5. They ___ in the Russian Museum next week.

Прочитайте вопросительные предложения с глаголом to be. Укажите время глагола to be.

1. What is your telephone number?

2. Where were you born?

3. Is your brother/sister at school now?

4. Are there any students in the classroom?

5. Was your sister at school last week?

6. Where were you yesterday?

7. Who from your group was at university yesterday?

8. Will he be at home tomorrow?

9. Where will you be next Sunday?

Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. Yesterday they ___ in the library.

2. Now they ___ in a cafe.

3. Tomorrow they ___ in the theatre.

4. Just now he ___ not here.

5. There ___ twenty students in our group.

6. Where ___ your family* last summer?

7. ____there a window in the language lab?

8. Tomorrow at 3 o’clock they ___ at the meeting.

9. My sister ___ a student last year, now she ___ a doctor.

10. Where ___ your mother now? – She ___ in the kitchen.

* Family s. ------------------ is; e.g. My family is large

pl.------------------ are; e.g.Our family are at the table now.

А так же: group, team, company, government etc.

Прочитайте и поймите основное содержание текста.

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Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 491 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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