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Tapescript 4

– Is Amy from America? – No, she isn’t. – Is she from Spain? – No, she isn’t. – Is she from England? – Yes, she is.

Tapescript 5

1. What’s her name? Amy Roberts

2. Where’s she from? England

3. What’s her address? 18, Market Street, Manchester

4. What’s her phone number? 01161 929 58 37

5. How old is she? She’s twenty.

6. What’s her job? She is a student.

7. Is she married? No, she isn’t.

Tapescript 6

A: Is your name Jeff?

J: Yes, it is.

A: Are you from England, Jeff?

J: No, I’m not from England. I 'm from Houston, Texas.

A: Are you a police officer?

J: Yes, I am.

A: Are you 23?

J: No, I am 25.

A: Are you married?

J: Yes, I am.

Module I

Higher Education in Russia and Abroad

Unit I

Personal Information

Прочитайте и изучите слова и словосочетания.

Introduce oneself представлять(ся)

Let me introduce myself.

Be born in родиться

I was born in 1988.

members/persons/people of a family члены семьи

be a friendly family. быть дружной семьёй

All the members of our family are very


elder brother/sister старший брат/сестра

younger brother/sister младший брат/сестра

My elder brother studies at university

and my younger sister goes to kindergarten.

like= enjoy(v) нравиться, любить что-то

He likes speaking English.

He enjoys playing chess.

do well in преуспевать в чём-либо,

Хорошо учиться

My sister does well in Literature.

Favourite subject любимый предмет

Their favourite subject is Physics.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 330 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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