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Ex 16. Write the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives and adverbs

Cheap, full, good, fast, easily, lazy, uncomfortable, nervous, useful, far, safe, happy, fluently, much, narrow, little, intelligent, bad.

Ex.17. Complete the sentences using the comparative form of suitable adjectives/adverbs.

1. The restaurant was surprisingly cheap. We expected it to be ________.

2. You’re standing too near the camera. Can you move a bit ________?

3. The teacher was speaking too fast. The students asked him to speak ________.

4. My present job is boring, so I hope to find something ________.

5. If you want to successfully pass your exam, you should study ________.

6. It’s a short walk from here to the park. I expected the park to be ________.

7. We all hoped that he would recover fast but it took him much ________.

8. You were quite upset yesterday. I’m glad you look much ________ today.

9. It’s a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived ________.

10. The instructions are very complicated. They could have been ________.

11. Nine o’clock is late. Could you come any ________?

12. You don’t understand. You could understand me, if you were ________.

13. Usually he is so absent-minded at lectures but because of the topic he is listening to the speaker ________ today.

14. The centre of the city is usually so noisy. I’d like to stay at a hotel in a ________ place.

Ex.18. Complete the sentences using the superlative form of suitable adjectives/adverbs.

1. It is a very valuable painting. Actually, it is ________ in the gallery.

2. We had a great holiday. It was one of ________ holidays we’ve ever had.

3. In order to save money we stayed at ________ hotel in the city.

4. Steve usually makes ________ mistakes in his group, or no at all.

5. February is ________ month of the year.

6. In the theatre, ________ seats are at the back.

7. The Taj Mahal is ________ building in the world.

8. Our new car is very economical. Actually, it uses ________ petrol of all the cars we looked at.

9. I’m so tired after the trip! ________ thing for me would be to get home as soon as I can.

10. Jane has done so much for the project. She has worked on it ______ of all of us.

Ex.19. Use the following intensifying words to complete the sentences:

very, too, far, much, a lot, rather, a bit, a little, any, by far, quite, nearly, almost

1. Go slower. You’re driving ________ fast for me.

2. I didn’t enjoy the meal _______ much.

3. I’m afraid the problem is ________ more complicated than it seems.

4. I though she was younger than me, but in fact she is ________ older.

5. She is ________ intelligent to believe it!

6. It was ________ the most stressful day in my life.

7. I’m sorry I’m a bit late but I couldn’t get here ________ sooner.

8. She fell and hurt her arm ________ badly.

9. The last of these reasons is ________ the most important.

10. How do you feel today? Are you ________ better?

Ex.20. Complete the sentences using the comparative constructions as... as or not so... as/not as... as. For comparison use the following adjectives:

much (x2), expensive, heavy, easy, interesting, fast, cold (x2), soon

1. Why don't you buy a motorbike? Motorbikes are ________ cars.

2. Her hands were ________ ice.

3. There's enough food for everybody. You can take ________ you want.

4. His last book didn't sell successfully because it was ________the previous one.

5. I'm sorry I'm late. I got here ________ I could.

6. It isn't warm today, but it is ________ yesterday.

7. The task was ________ I had expected but finally I managed to understand the


8. Can you give me the reply ________ possible, please?

9. It's the holiday season, so the traffic is ________ usual.

10. You can't expect the same profit because you have invested ________ me.

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