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Ex.10. Put the adverbs into their correct place in the text

When Michael opened his café, he did not have any experience in business and found out it was much more difficult than he had expected (three years ago, absolutely, soon). Although the café was situated in a good place, he had overlooked an important thing: advertising (conveniently, totally, very). As by that time he had run out of money, he sent a letter to his uncle asking for a loan (nearly, urgently, as soon as possible). The money arrived, and Michael put an advertisement in the local paper (the next day, immediately, on the front page). His café became popular (within weeks, tremendously).

Ex.11. Supply the right adverb. Some adverbs end in – ly and some not.

1. Be careful. Act carefully.

2. She is a hard worker. She works __________.

3. The train is early. It has arrived __________.

4. It was a serious injury. The man was injured __________.

5. There was a heavy rain in the morning. It was raining __________.

6. It is a perfect report. You have prepared it __________.

7. I get a monthly bill. I pay for the electricity __________.

8. My name is last. On this list, I come __________.

9. His bus was late. I had to wait because he came __________.

10. Everything was very quiet. We were trying to move __________.

11. You’ve used a bad paint. The door is painted __________.

12. It was a brief meeting. The chief manager spoke to the employees only ____.

13. My brother’s got a fast car. He usually drives very __________.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 670 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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