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Ex.1. Fill in the tables below with the different word forms

Verb (describing an activity) Noun (for the company that is involved in this activity) Noun (for the activity or sector that a company is involved in)
to manufacture Manufacturer manufacture/manufacturing
to export   export
to distribute    
to provide   provision
to retail   retail/retailing
to manage    
  insurer insurance
to market marketing company, marketer (less frequent)  
to sell by wholesale/by the gross/in bulk   wholesale/wholesaling

Ex.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct noun or verb from the above table.

1. (manufacture) The company is a car ____________ in the USA.

2. (retail) Chopard is in the jewellery ____________ business.

3. (import) Europacific Ltd ____________ European shoes into Asian countries.

4. (export) This company is an ____________ of men’s sportswear.

5. (design) Our company is a leading website ____________.

6. (publish) He works for the company that ____________ reference books.

7. (distribute) European __________ is handled from our centre in the Netherlands.

8. (manage) ____________ consulting is aimed at helping organizations improve their performance.

9. (market) She works in sales and ____________.

10. (insure) Allianz is the world’s number two ____________.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 585 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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