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Ex.9. Look through the text again and replace the words in bold with the linking words and phrases given below. Even though/although, to a limited extent, therefore, instead, in addition to, however, in essence, on the other hand

Even though/although, to a limited extent, therefore, instead, in addition to, however, in essence, on the other hand

1. In a free-enterprise economy, nobody forces entrepreneurs to be creative and productive. In the place of that, business people themselves choose what is best for their business.

2. Most countries in the world have a high level of market freedom. That is why, their economic systems are frequently called free market or free enterprise systems.

3. All economies deal with the same economic problems – What? How? and For whom? But they do it in their own unique way.

4. In some economies, such as Cuba, the market mechanisms are realized only in certain limits.

5. Despite the fact that markets are not necessarily people, they act as agents to bring buyers and sellers together.

6. Besides selling their resources to get profit, households also act as consumers.

7. Even if the market system is characterized by the absence of government interference, the government still plays an important role.

8. If a business is profitable, there is incentive for other people to join it. Alternatively, if it suffers losses or pays low wages, there is incentive to change it for another one.

9. The role of government in some aspects is so important that, in fact, it acts as an umbrella under which the free enterprise system operates.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 479 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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