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Ex. 7. Role-play the dialogue

Rachel: Hello, my name is Rachel Jones and I'd like to make an appointment to speak to Mr. Smith.

Secretary: Can I ask you what is the purpose of the appointment?

Rachel: Of course. I met him at a luncheon last week and he asked me to call him to make an appointment to talk about a job.

Secretary: Okay. Mr. Smith has an appointment available on Monday June 10th at 4 pm or Thursday June 13th at 2 pm. Which one would be better for you?

Rachel: Monday at 4pm would be perfect.

Secretary: Excellent. I've got you down for that day and time. Can I have your phone number just in case something comes up and he needs to reschedule?

Rachel: Yes, certainly. It is 085-897-9393.

Secretary: (repeats the phone number to make sure it's correct) 085-897-9393.

Rachel: That's it. Thank you so much. I'll see you on Monday June 10th at 4 pm.

Secretary: Have a nice day!

Ex.8. Complete the dialogue with the words and word combinations from the box.


are you free, fine, I'll see you, I'm calling about, speaking, visiting

Pam: Hello. Pam Robertson __________.

Bob: Oh hello, Pam. It's Bob here.

Pam: Hello Bob. How can I help you?

Bob: _______ the new advertising budget meeting. ______ on Tuesday afternoon?

Pam: Let me see. Sorry I'm __________ the new factory all day on Tuesday. How about Wednesday at two p.m.?

Bob: I'm meeting a customer in the morning, but the afternoon is __________.

Pam: Good. So __________ on Wednesday then. Good bye.

Bob: Good bye.


call me, can I help you, cannot leave, could you come, how about a little later, I’d like to make an appointment, is that OK with you, may not be able to arrive, will be seen, work

A: Good morning. Dr. Brown's office. __________?

A: Good morning. I __________with Dr. Brown.

B: Ok. Just a minute. __________on Monday at 1:00 pm?

A: No. Monday is a busy day for me. I __________until 9:00 pm. I __________the office early.

B: What about Wednesday at 6:00 pm? __________?

A: __________? You know how heavy the traffic is at 6. I __________on time.

B: OK. You __________by Dr. Brown on Wednesday at 7. OK? If you can't come for any reason, please __________and I will try to set another time.

B: OK. Thanks.

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