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Unit 1 Listening 10(6)

RA=Robyn Alton, MM=Matthew Mead

RA: It surprises me that people spend 22% of their income on food and drink. I spend approximately 10% of my income on food and drink in a year.

MM: uh hu. I spend about 14%, I’d say, so a bit more than you, but, er, less than the pie chart. It seems a lot, doesn’t it?

RA: It seems a lot. What about housing?

MM: Housing; I spend about 27%, erm which is quite a lot, it’s a lot of my income, er for one area, but I am buying a second house, so it costs more money. Transport seemed quite high, I thought, er 15.7% for transport. I spend only about 6 or 7%. What about you?

RA: I spend 15% erm of my total income on transportation, er so that didn’t surprise me, that figure. What about household goods and services?

MM: Well, I’ve only got 4%, but erm, I am not doing much work on my house at the moment, so it’s not a great deal of my income. What about you?

RA: I spend 12% on household goods and services; I spend erm money on decorating, gardening, erm so that’s a large part of my expenditure.

MM: Right. I spend about 16% - 15 or 16% on leisure goods and services, so about the same as the pie chart.

RA: That’s similar to me. I spend about 15%.

MM: Right. That’s on going to the gym, spots, maybe some travel.

RA: That’s, that’s very similar for me. What about tobacco? I’ve, I spend 0% on tobacco.

MM: Mmm, I don’t smoke, so it’s not an important part for me, and er 2% seems very high.

RA: It seems to me too.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 286 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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