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Finance. 1(1) Listening. Listen and practice

1(1) Listening. Listen and practice. Mind the new words.

to borrow брать в долг, занимать
interest rate процентная ставка
offshore bank account банковский счет в оффшорной зоне
to be tax-free не облагаться налогом
public company государственная компания
share акция
shareholder акционер
financial results финансовая отчетность
tax year налоговый период
annual report ежегодный отчет
profit and loss account счет прибыли и убытков (доходов и расходов)
turnover оборот
to be obliged by law быть обязанным по закону

Companies and individuals often borrow money, and it is important to find a favorable interest rate. Rates are variable, and can rise or fall depending on the market. Many investors, (people who use their money to earn more money), choose foreign or offshore bank accounts because they are tax-free. Anyone can buy shares in a public company and become a shareholder. All public companies in the UK are obliged by law to publish their financial results at the end of the tax year. They do this in their annual report to shareholders. Annual reports include profit and loss accounts which show turnover, or the total sum of money, which is coming into the company.

2. How much do you know about money? Answer the questions.

1. Why do public companies publish annual reports?

2. Who uses information in a profit and loss account?

3. Do the directors or shareholders own the company?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 288 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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