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F. Choose phrasal verbs you have known to complete this letter

Cambridge, 20 June Dear Auntie Meg, At last my first year exams are over. It's such a relief. I feel as if I've done nothing but (1) for them for ages. Although, I'd (2) with work quite well during the year, I still needed to (3) everything that we had covered, of course. Fortunately, everything that I hoped would (4) in the exam paper did. So I hope I've, done OK and haven't just (5). Now all I have to do is (6) one course assignment, which I need to hand in by the end of term. We don't (7) till the end of the month and so I won't be home till then. We don’t (8) until the end of September, so it’llbe a lovely long break. I look forward to seeing you soon. Love, Suzanna.

E. Which of these would make most students happy and why?




Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1884 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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