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A. Complete the sentences with the correct word. Use each word once only

1) professor/teacher

When I was 12, my English … encouraged me to write stories.

Our … at university was more interested in his research than in teaching.

2) check/control

Before you hand in written work, you should … it carefully for mistakes.

The children in Mr. Adam's class are so naughty that he cannot … them.

3) career/course

Dr Jenkins ruined his … when he gave several patients the wrong drug.
They sent him on a two-week … to learn how to use the new computer.

4) subject/lesson

Monday's French … was so boring I thought it would never end.
I think physics is a difficult … to study at university level.

5) educate/train

I'm sure your company will … you to use the new equipment.
Many people feel that schools do not … children very well these days.

6) degree/grade

I think this composition deserves a better …than C, don't you?

Although my … was in chemistry, the headmaster still let me teach biology.

B. Study the following phrasal verbs and find their definitions in the dictionary: to carry out, to get across, to get down, to go over, to hand in, to keep up, to pick up, to stay on, to turn up, to work out.

C. Match the phrasal verbs in italics in the sentences to the definitions a) – j) below.

1) The Principal handed in his resignation.

2) The students turned up late for class.

3) The teacher got her ideas across very well.

4) We worked out the answers very easily.

5) He stayed on at university another year.

6) I got down to work as soon as I arrived.

7) A taxi picked them up and took them to college.

8) She kept up with the other students.

9) We carried out a survey on staff attitudes.

10) He went over the exercise with his students.

a) arrived b) collected c) managed to understand d) stayed level with e) performed f) examined g) gave to a person in charge h) communicated i) started j) remained

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1046 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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