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During the week I usually stay in, do my home assignments and have a rest. But at the weekend I often go out, but quite often I also have friends for dinner, or friends just come round for a chat or we play cards, e.g. poker or bridge.


I do the shopping on Saturday. Fortunately I have a cleaner and she does most of the housework: she does my washing, the washing-up and does most of the ironing.

B. Match the definitions with the italicized words and phrases from the text.

1) dining hall 14) to succeed in sleeping
2) to sleep too long 15) to go to bed very late
3) to go to bed very early 16) without other people
4) to stay in bed until later 17) to have small amounts of food
5) to have a short sleep, e.g. 20-25 minutes 18) to do homework
6) to make an effort 19) a teacher in higher education
7) part of the academic year 20) to clean teeth
8) to put down necessary information 21) to stop work or study for a meal
9) to stay at home 22) to relax and do nothing
10) to invite friends to one’s house and cook dinner for them 23) to leave the house for social reasons, e.g. go to the cinema or disco with friends
11) to visit somebody at the house 24) conversation
12) to buy food and clothes 13) to wash the clothes 25) a meeting of a group of students for tuition

C. The text includes a number of expressions with “have + noun”, e.g. have breakfast, have a shower . Can you remember six more?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 664 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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