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A. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable words using the information from the sites:



Diana, the Princess of Wales, was a(n) …, …. woman. She had … skin and …, … eyes. Her hair was neatly cut and … in length.

Princess Diana was always … and liked … clothes which were usually made by famous designers. However, when she was on holiday with her children she enjoyed wearing … clothes.

During her appearances with Princes Charles she was very … and didn’t speak much. Later on, however, she became more …. Unlike most members of the Royal Family, she was involved with ordinary people. She was a very … person who supported various charities.

B.Imagine, that your cousin/uncle/aunt/mother etc. must go to London on a business trip. Describe his/her appearance to the person who has to meet him/her.


A. Study the typical questions for Application Form.

Surname Smith
First name John Initials JS
Age   Sex: female male (please tick)
Marital status single married divorced widow/widower (please tick)
Date of birth 7 May 1992
Country of Birth United Kingdom Place of Birth: Bristol
Next of Kin Susan Smith
Address 23 Southfield Road, Purbey, Westshire
Postcode PU23 4HJ
Telephone 0560 152439
E-male address [email protected]

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 480 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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