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Task 14. Continue these sentences. Add the information you learned from the text

1. The Institutes and Universities in Russia have a total enrolment of …….

2. There are about 3000 ………………….- technikum, uchilische, college.

3. Russia has more academic …………. than any other country in Europe.

4. The course of studies for higher education lasts for……………………...

5. In all the Russian Institutions, academic year starts………and there are ………… semesters in an academic year.

Task 15. Define if the following sentences are true or false:

1. The first degree in higher education is the Master’s degree.

2. The Bakalavr's degree is awarded in all fields including Medicine.

3. First semester examinations are held usually in February, second semester exams are in July.

4. The period of postgraduate higher education lasts for 5-6 years or more.

5. Russian HEIs have good co-operation with different countries and admit foreign students.

Task 16. Match the following titles with certain passages of the text. One is not needed.

1. Academic Year and Holidays.

2. Higher Education. General Information.

3. Courses of Studies and the Main Degrees.

4. Co-operation with Other Countries. Overseas Students.

5. Tuition Fees.

6. Levels of Education.

Task 17. Write out the key-sentences for each point of the plan from Task 16.

Task 18. Make up your summary of the text using sentences from Tasks 16 and 17. Render the main information of the text.

Additional reading

Task 19. Read for further information

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 592 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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