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Task 11. Read the following pairs of sentences and choose the correct variant. Explain your choice

  1. A. John has lived here since 1990.

B. John lived here since 1990.

2. A. Hello! I didn’t see you for ages!

B. Hello! I haven’t seen you for ages!

3. A. Have you heard any news from Benny recently?

B. Did you hear any news from Benny recently?

4. A. Your friend phoned a few minutes ago.

B. Your friend has phoned a few minutes ago.

5. A. Have you been at home on Saturday? I phoned you.

B. Were you at home on Saturday? I phoned you.

Task 12. Put in the most suitable tense-form of the verb in brackets:

  1. He __________________ (never / study) any foreign languages.
  2. She _________________(phone) you just now. The news is good.
  3. “Is it your first trip to our country? ___ you _____ (be) here ever before?”
  4. I ______ (live) in Moscow from 1986 till 1991. I ____ (study) there.
  5. Where _____ (be) you last night? You didn’t answer my phone-calls.


Task 13. After reading the text of this lesson choose the correct variant to complete every sentence:

1. In Russian educational system there are ______________ main stages.

a) Five

b) Four

c) Three

  1. Higher education in Russia is ____________________.

a) only state-supported, public

b) financed by local authorities

c) both governmental and non-governmental

  1. The Bachelor’s and Master’s degree may be awarded _________________.

a) after some period of studies and writing a certain kind of research work

b) during students’ studies at a higher educational institution

  1. The academic year in Russian HEIs is arranged ________________in Great Britain.

a) …more or less in the same periods as…

b) …in a completely different way than ….

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1441 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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