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Listen again. Complete the conversation and check. Reproduce it with your partner

A. Hello, is the _________for all BA flights?

B. Yes, it is. Do you have your passport and ticket?

A. Here you are.

B. And how many __________ are you checking in today?

A. None. I just have ____________.

B. OK. Would you like a _________ or an _________?

A. Err, aisle, please.

B. OK. So, your flight leaves from gate _______ at ________, but boarding starts half an hour before. You are in ______ 5 C.

A. Thanks.

11 (15). Listening. Listen to Colin Knapp talking about travelling to the Far East and answer the questions.

1. How often does Colin travel on business?

2. Which country does he visit regularly?

3. How long is the flight?

4. What two things does he do during the flight?

5. Does he suffer from jet lag?

6. Is jet lag different travelling west-east and east-west?

7. Why does he travel to the Far East instead of doing business by telephone or fax?

8. What example of the culture gap does he give?

9. What three tips does he give for visiting this country for the first time?

Discuss these questions.

1. Do you like or dislike flying (travelling by train, bus)?

2. What do you usually do while travelling by plane (bus, train, etc.)?

3. What do you know about jet lag?

4. Have you ever experienced cultural differences while travelling?

13. Speaking. Speak on the transport you prefer for business and pleasure travelling. Give examples of advantages and disadvantages of different means of transport.

Read the text and explain the words in bold.

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