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Company structure

(B) Departments

1. Most large companies have different departments. Look at the extracts from the documents below and match them with the appropriate department. Can you think of some other departments?


f. Currency……….$ Document number…..154 Discount……..20% Supplier invoice date…..25/10/2012 Invoice number……023 Gross amount…..$ 459    

1. Sales and Marketing department ____.

2. Financial (Finance) department ____.

3. Legal Department ____.

4. Human Resources department ___.

5. Communications department ___.

6. Research and Development department___.

2. Where do these people usually work?

1. Accountants work in the _______ department.

2. Scientists often work in the _________ department.

3. Sales people ___________.

4. Lawyers ________.

5. PR people _________.

6. Training Managers __________.

3 (12). Listening. At a budget meeting four managers talk about their departments. Listen and complete the table below.

Department     Human Resources  
Staff   12 (5+7)    
Activity Software research      
Other information        

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1169 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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