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Perrier Vittel

Perrier Vittel is a 1._________ of the Nestle Group. It has millions of 2._________ all over the world. It is the water 3.________ of the group and has many famous 4.________ such as San Pellegrino, Contrex, Panna and Aquarel. There are sixty-seven 5._________ _________ producing billions of liters of bottled water. The main 6. ________ _______ of the Nestle Group is in Lausanne and there is a network of seventeen other centers on four continents employing 2,500 staff. This research helps produce safe and affordable water for everybody.

A recent new 7.________ is Nestle Pure Life. The company bottles this water locally in developing countries such as Pakistan and Brazil.

Nestle’s interest in water began in 1969 with the 8.________ of 30% of Vittel. After the 9._______ of Perrier in 1992 the new company Perrier-Vittel became a major part of the Nestle Group. Today water sales represent 8.8% of the group’s 10._______. The group is the international 11.________ ________ for bottled water with a 15% 12._______ ________. A new 13._______, Frits van Dijk took over in 2000 and he aims to keep Perrieri-Vittel at the front of the bottled water market in both sales and technology.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1358 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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