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Vocabulary. repayment –возмещение, возврат

repayment – возмещение, возврат

a store of value – средство сбережения

deferred payment – отсроченный платеж

money supply – денежная масса

currency – валюта

demand deposit – бессрочный депозит

ownership – собственность, владение

commodity money – товар, выполняющий

функцию денег

barter – бартер, товарообмен

representative money – бумажные деньги,

полностью обеспеченные золотом или


token coins – денежные знаки

back – финансировать, субсидировать

fiat money – неразменные бумажные


intrinsic value – внутренняя стоимость

cash withdrawal – снятие наличных

legal tender – законное платежное


prior notice – предварительное


assets – активы

insolvent -неплатежеспособный

13. Give Russian equivalents:

medium of exchange, unit of account, convert into, declare, highly liquid

14. Choose words from the list to fill in the gaps, then use them to make sentences:

bank, liquid, legal, main, token, means of

1. ______ assets 4. ______ records
2. ______ function 5. ______ obligation
3. ______ repayment 6. ______ coins

15. Read the text again and answer the questions:

1) What is money?

2) What are the main functions of money?

3) What does the money supply of a country consist of?

4) In what form does bank money exist?

5) What does the commodity money value come from?

6) What does representative money consist of?

7) What does the value of representative money depend on?

8) What is fiat money?

16. Correct the statements:

1. Bank money exists in the form of currency.

2. Fiat money value is derived from any intrinsic value.

3. Funds can be withdrawn from a demand deposit only after prior notice.

4. Commercial bank money does not differ from commodity and fiat money.

17. Make notes under the following headings:

Functions of money, Bank money, Commodity Money, Representative money, Fiat money, Commercial bank money.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 560 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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