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Match the countries with the currency

country currency
1. Italy a. dollar
2. the UK b. pound
3. Japan c. yen
4. the USA d. riyal
5. Saudi Arabia e. euro

2. What is the currency in your country? Add more currencies to the list above.

Look at how we say large numbers 800 eight hundred 80,000 eighty thousand 50,000,000 fifty million
Look at how we say these numbers
  a/one hundred (and) fifty-seven
  five hundred (and) seventy-nine
5,790 five thousand seven hundred (and) ninety
57,901 fifty-seven thousand nine hundred (and) one
5,790,000 five million seven hundred (and) ninety thousand
When we talk about exchange rates, we can say the decimal point (.)
$239.34 There are two hundred and thirty-nine point three four US dollars to the euro. (to the British pound, etc.)

3 (2). Listening. Listen and complete the information.

1. We have ______ workers in our factory.

2. There are ______ dollars to the British pound.

3. Their company manufactures more than _______ products every year.

4. I have _______ Saudi Arabian riyals. How much is that in euros?

5. The world population increases by ______ people every day.

6. Our profits this year are _______ euros.

4. Reading. Read the article and answer the question:

Does the writer think that money is the only thing that rich people can use to help the world?

New vocabulary:

charity благотворительность
recently недавно
charitable foundation благотворительный фонд
founder основатель
the rich богатые
the poor бедные
poverty бедность
solution решение
social connections общественные связи
skills умения
environment окружающая среда

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 993 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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