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Ex.1. Match the terms with their definitions. Explain the meanings of the given terms in Russian. a) stk.exch. the act or process of gaining control of a company by making its shareholders a general offer

1. disposal

2. dividend

3. takeover

4. accounts

5. liquidity

6. remuneration

7. Quoted Companies Alliance

a) stk.exch. the act or process of gaining control of a company by making its shareholders a general offer, called a takeover bid, usu. with a time-limit for acceptance, to buy, at a stated price that is higher than the market price, all the shares, or at least enough of them to give a controlling interest in the company. If the holders of 90% of the shares accept, the bidding company has the legal right to buy the remaining 10% at the same price. In most countries the authorities keep strict control of takeovers to protect the interests of shareholders. In Britain all takeovers must be according to rules in The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, and the Takeover Panel of LSE watches and advises on the application of the Code

b) a group or set of accounting records (each called an account) which taken together, tell the owners and management of a business how much it owes and how much it is owed; and after periodical balancing, how much profit and loss has been made

c) fin.& man. 1) money paid for services, not for goods

2) salary or wages

d) fin. 1) the quality of being liquid, esp. of assets

2) of a company or other business, the cash and those liquid assets that are left after meeting current liabilities

3) the degree to which a business has ready cash or can find it by quickly selling its assets. Its liquidity is said to be high if its liquid assets form a large proportion of its total assets

e) the act of getting rid of something: by selling it; at a meeting, by discussing or settling it

f) 1) strictly, an amount to be divided, such as the total sum to be paid out of profits or as interest on a loan. Its commercial meaning is: one of the parts into which an amount has been divided and shared out, esp. to stockholders or shareholders of a company as their share of the profits or of part of the profits, or to the creditors of a bankrupt

g) non-for-profit organization which works for small and mid-cap quoted companies in the UK and Europe to promote and maintain vibrant, healthy and liquid capital markets (QCA)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 544 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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