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Ex.1. Match the terms with their definitions. Explain the meanings of the given terms in Russian. a) a limited company which can offer its shares and debentures to the public; there is normally no limit to the right of its members to transfer their shares

1. ordinary share

2. premium

3. public limited company

4. subsidiary

5. underwrite

6. settlement

a) a limited company which can offer its shares and debentures to the public; there is normally no limit to the right of its members to transfer their shares to other persons. There is no limit to the total number of members except that there must be at least seven

b) a company of which more than half the share-capital is owned by another company, called either a holding company or a parent company

c) 1) fin. the act of settling, of paying (a bill, debt, charge, etc.)

2) stk.exch. the last day of The Account and the fifth day of the periods of five days, when brokers and their clients pay amounts due between them, when sums due between members are settled by cheque or are “carried over” or “continued”, and when deliveries of stock are made to the buyers

d) 1) stk.exch. the amount which is paid for a stock or share over and above its nominal or face value. “At a premium”, at a price higher than the face value of the security

2) bkg. the amount by which the market rate of exchange of a particular currency is above the par rate

e) the largest class of share, the owners of which have the right to share in the profits of the company after the preference shares have been paid their dividend but before the deferred shares

f) 1) fin. to agree to pay the cost of making or doing something; syn. to finance

2) com. to guarantee a person against commercial loss

3) stk.exch. to agree to buy, in return for a commission, all shares/stock of a new issue left unsold. The person or organization taking this action is called an underwriter, and is usually a merchant bank who may in turn pass some of the risk on to sub-underwriters (who also get a commission)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 602 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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