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Listen again, fill in the gaps and practice

Your resume is a very important document. Remember that _________ receive a lot of ____________, so you have to make all your documents as ___________ and as ____________ as possible.

The layout of your resume should be in a simple ______, 11 or 12 points in Times New Roman or Arial script. Your contact details should be ________ and e-mail address serious and not too much of an ____________.

We generally advise people not to include _________ and __________ because some people object to being asked these questions. Likewise, you don’t have to ___________ information about your _________ though sometimes this question may appear on the application form. It is ________ to include all information about your ______________, including ___________ and ___________ jobs since this will give the employer some insight into your background in dealing with ____________ and working as part of the team. Of course, give all relevant information about your ___________ and include details on your involvement in ________ and __________ work, too, because this shows your _____________. Of course, you should read the job _____ carefully and follow the instructions given there. And make sure that you get _________ from your __________ before including their names on your resume.

Any questions?

5.2 Speaking. Summarize the advice offered in the text. You can also add your recommendations.

6. Reading. Read the extract from the advertisement for a job at a large banking organization. Then read through the two resumes (CVs) and decide which applicant is better suited to the job.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 618 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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