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Translate the following words using the dictionary if necessary. Then fill in the gaps in the text below

to apply for, to short-list, skills, application form, to fill out, cover letter (US) (GB covering letter), to follow, to proofread, candidates, blank.

When you (1)__________ the job, you are usually asked to leave the (2)________________ as well as your resume (GB curriculum vitae or CV) and a (3)_______________. Companies like to have standardized forms containing information about (4)___________. This makes comparison simpler and also makes it easier for a company to (5)__________ candidates for the interview. It is very important that you write down all your abilities and (6)________ in the spaces provided.

Remember, this is employer’s first impression of you so it is very important that you (7)___________ the form accurately. Read the form very carefully and answer each question honestly. Show the employers that you are able to (8) __________ instructions. Do not leave any sections (9)_________. It is necessary to (10)__________ your application before you turn it in.

2. Speaking. What information is it necessary to include in a resume?

3. Read the following statements about preparing a resume. Do you agree or disagree with them? Discuss your opinions in the group.

When preparing a resume, you should….

1. always give your age and marital status.

2. provide a current address and phone number.

3. always use your friends as references.

4. list all your employees, experience.

5. always include copies of personal references.

6. use a reliable, non-gimmicky e-mail address.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 494 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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