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Прочитайте предложения и скажите, в котором из них речь идет о прошлом. (3rd Conditional)

1) If I had more time, I'd help. 2) If he were cleverer, he'd know that he was making a mistake. 3) If I had come three minutes earlier, I'd have taken 9 o'clock train. 4) If the letter had been received some days ago, we would have learnt about it in time. 5) What would you do if you saw a ghost?

3. Соедините два предложения с помощью «if», так чтобы в результате получились условные предложения I и II типов.

1) You want to have a new house. You will have to work hard.

2) You buy the essential commodities from this shop. You are called a customer of this shop.

3) We have food, shelter and clothes. We have the basic necessities of life.

4) The economic system of a country is strong. People will be able to satisfy all their wants.

5) The people work regularly. They may earn more money.

6) The man buys a car in the garage. The garage owner may provide some extra services for the car.

7) The farmers try to provide more. Perhaps they will have some goods to sell as well as to use for themselves.

8) They are completely free. Workers may work only when they need money badly.

9) They have all the money they need. They may not work.

10) The government wants to improve the general conditions of work. They can make new laws.

11) Employees anticipate new better working conditions. They may increase their productivity.

12) You regularly provide essential services. You may get more business.

13) This condition is fulfilled. Employers have optimistic profit and market expectations.

14) Prices fall for a particular commodity. Producers have to reduce their production.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 498 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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