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Переведите текст. Europe possesses a vast economic potential, concentrating within its bounds half of the world's industry and scientific and technological personnel

Europe possesses a vast economic potential, concentrating within its bounds half of the world's industry and scientific and technological personnel. All-European cooperation would open up new possibilities for improving the structure of East-West economic exchange. It would make it possible to carry out with maximum efficiency all-European programmes in the sphere of science and technology, in power development, transport, communications and health services. This, in turn, would give new impulse to the solution of international economic and social problems. Cooperation would thus not only be in the interests of all European states, it would benefit the peoples of all continents and could make Europe a powerful factor of peace and progress.

4. Подставьте «should» или «would» вместо точек.

1) I... like to hear that song again.

2) Do you think I... take a holiday? - No, it... be better if you got on with your work.

3)... you mind doing it for me?

4) The boys... play more quietly.

5) The fire... have burnt better, if I had had more wood.

6) I... like to know when we will have breakfast.

7) If I were you, I... go for a bathe now.

8) My landlady...n't try to make coffee.

9) He worked hard so that he... pass the exam.

10) You... do better work than this.

11) The students... know by now that the teacher won't accept bad work.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 345 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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