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A. Study the information below and do the task after it

1) an enquiry a request of information (sent by the customer)
2) a quotation the price given for goods or a piece of work
3) an estimate an approximate calculation of the cost of smth
4) a counter-proposal a letter where the customer tries to get better terms
5) an order a request to supply goods (sent by customer)
6) an invoice a bill for goods or work done
7) a remainder a letter to a customer about an unpaid invoice
8) a receipt a document that proves you have paid for some goods
9) a statement a list of amounts paid and still owed, sent every month
10) a complaint a letter saying you are not satisfied about smth

B. In which documents from the above exercise would you find the following sentences?

1) I am afraid your minimum quantity is too high for our first order. Please let us know if you are able to reduce this.

2) When we opened the package we noticed that some of the goods were damaged.

3) We saw your advert in a recent issue of Engineering magazine. We are interested in…

4) Unfortunately it is not possible to reduce the delivery time, but we could offer a discount of 2% for an order of this size.

5) Thank you for a letter of 21 April asking about…. We are pleased to enclose our current brochure and price list.

6) We note from our records that your account for the first quarter is still not paid. We hope to receive payment of this account as soon as possible.


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 523 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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