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B. Read the text. Being able to write a business letter is a skill that is easily learned

Being able to write a business letter is a skill that is easily learned. It is effective in establishing communication between business associates in a professional manner in many circumstances. A business letter represents you and your employer. So it doesn’t matter whether it comes from you or your administrative staff, it should be professionally written.

Heading includesthe company’s logo, name, address and other contact and identifying information. If the company doesn’t have a letterhead, the company’s name and address can be written at the top of the page.

Sender Address is usually included in the letterhead. Only the street address, city and zip code are written. The date line indicates when the letter was written.

Inside Address is the recipient’s address. Write a title such as Mr., Ms, Dr. The inside address should begin on line below the sender’s address or a little below the date. It should be left –handed

A salutation is your greeting. Most of the salutations begin with “Dear” followed by recipient’s name. If you don’t know the person’s name, you can use Dear Madam/Sir or the job title. If you don’t know the reader’s gender, you can use a nonsexist greeting like “to whom it may concern”.

Body of the letter: The first paragraph should always include why you are writing. Then you should explain the situation, suggestion or whatever message you aim at getting across the recipient. If you begin a new subject, write a new paragraph. The other paragraphs include the reasons.

Complimentary closing: You should end the letter with an appropriate closing like “Sincerely”, “Best Regards”, “Respectfully yours”. It should be short and polite.

Signature: You should write your full or business name below the close. Between your name and enclosure part, you should hand write your signature in ink.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 642 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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