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Several of the ideas in the Constitution were new, and a large number of ideas were drawn from the literature of Republicanism in the United States, from the experiences of the 13 states, and from the British experience with mixed government.
The most important influence from the European continent was from Montesquieu, who emphasized the need to have balanced forces pushing against each other to prevent tyranny. (This in itself reflects the influence of Polybius' 2nd century BC treatise on the checks and balances of the constitution of the Roman Republic). John Locke is known to have been a major influence, and the due process clause of the United States Constitution was partly based on common law stretching back to the Magna Carta of 1215.
Influences on the Bill of Rights
The United States Bill of Rights consists of the ten amendments added to the Constitution in 1791, as supporters of the constitution had promised critics during the debates of 1788. The English Bill of Rights (1689) was an inspiration for the American Bill of Rights. For example, both require jury trials, contain a right to keep and bear arms, and prohibit excessive bail as well as "cruel and unusual punishments." Many liberties protected by state constitutions were incorporated into the United States Bill of Rights.
Answer the following questions:
1) What does the US Constitution provide for?
2) What documents and ideas influenced the US Constitution?
3) What is US Bill of Rights? Why was the Bill adopted?
4) What do you know about J.Lock’s and Montesquieu’s theories?
Find the equivalents in the text:
o фундамент и источник права
o возглавляемый Верховным Судом
o обеспечивать организацию этих ветвей
o какие полномочия каждая ветвь может осуществлять
o определить три главные ветви власти (законодательная, исполнительная, судебная)
o четко очертить (определить) властные полномочия каждой ветви
o двухпалатный конгресс
o сохранять права отдельных штатов
o система сдержек и противовесов конституции
o вдохновение
o требовать суда присяжных
o запрещать непомерный залог
o свободы, защищенные конституциями штатов
Interesting facts about the us Constitution · There are several clerical errors in the original text of the Constitution. The most known of them is the spelling of the State of Pennsylvania in the list of the delegates, who had signed the Constitution, with one “n” — “Pensylvania”. In addition to that, some words in the Constitutions are written according to the rules of British English, which differ from the American one; by then the American spelling standards haven’t been established yet. · The text of the US Constitution doesn't specify who has the right to vote. As a result, in early days of the Union only white men who owned property could take part in the elections. The African Americans weren't considered as citizens, and women were also excluded from voting. Native Americans couldn't vote up until 1924. · Out of forty-two delegates who were present at the Convention, thirty-nine signed the Constitution. The delegates from Virginia and Massachusetts refused to sign the document partly because it didn’t have the bill of rights. · When it was time to ratify the Constitution by the states, the absence of the bill of rights became the main stumbling block. · Benjamin Franklin was the oldest man to sign the Constitution. He was 81 at the moment of signing of the document. Although Benjamin Franklin's mind was still sharp, his body wouldn’t obey him. He could hardly walk. He would be brought in the hall of the council in the palanquin held by four inmates from the Walnut Street Prison in Philadelphia. When done, he had tears rolling down his cheeks. Jonathan Dayton, 26, from New Jersey, was the youngest one. · The first national Thanksgiving Day was celebrated on November 26, 1789. It took place upon the decision of Congress and President George Washington. The desire to “thank” for the new Constitution became the reason behind the holiday. · Initially, the founders of the document faced the question of how to address the President. The Senate offered the title “His Highness, the President of the United States, and Protector of their Liberties”. But eventually, the House of Representatives and the Senate agreed on the “President of the United States”. · The word “democracy” never shows in the text of the Constitution. · The Constitutional Council proposed to limit the country’s regular army to 5,000 troops. Sarcastically, George Washington responded that he would certainly agree, provided that the same section of the document would also stipulate that the invader armies can’t attack with more than 3,000 soldiers. · In 1876, an offer was introduced to amend the Constitution and abolish the Senate. In 1893, they came up with an amendment to renaming the USA into the United States of Earth. |
TASK 6. (a) Study the following words and word combinations:
judicial – судебный, судейский judicially – в судебном порядке judiciary – 1. судебный, судейский; 2. суд, судебная власть; 3. судоустройство. judicature – 1. отправление правосудия; юрисдикция; 2. судоустройство; система судебных органов; суд; 3. лица судебной профессии. justice – 1. справедливость; 2. правосудие, юстиция; 3. судья. to administer justice – отправлять правосудие process – 1. приказ суда; особ. приказ о вызове в суд; 2. процедура, порядок, производство дел; судопроизводство; процессуальные нормы; процесс; 3. копия производства по делу (направляемая в вышестоящую инстанцию). process of the court – 1. судебный приказ; 2. судопроизводство; 3. протокол судебного производства (направляемый в вышестоящую судебную инстанцию). forged process – 1. фальсифицированный судебный процесс; 2. фальсифицированный протокол судебного процесса. a summons – повестка в суд to serve a witness with a summons / to summon a witness – вызывать свидетеля повесткой в суд subpoena – повестка в суд (под страхом наказания или штрафа в случае неявки) deputy – 1. депутат; представитель; 2. заместитель, помощник |
(b) Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents in the table:
1) judicial system / judiciary system | a) судебный орган |
2) judicial abuse | b) судебный округ |
3) judicial administration | c) судебная система |
4) judicial body | d) секретарь; сотрудник канцелярии суда; судебный клерк |
5) judicial award | e) применение (норм права, закона) в судебном порядке |
6) judicial branch | f) судебное право |
7) judicial circuit | g) судебное злоупотребление |
8) judicial clerk | h) судопроизводство; судебный процесс |
9) judicial law | i) судебная власть |
10) judicial proceeding(s) | j) судебное решение |
11) judicial sitting | k) приказы суда |
12) judicial writs | l) обвиняемый в судебном порядке |
13) judicially charged | m) юридический комитет (с палате представителей и в сенате США) |
14) judicially appointed expert | n) судебное заседание |
15) judiciary committee | o) эксперт по назначению суда |
(c) Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents in the table:
1) justice in court | a) отправлять правосудие |
2) justice of the peace | b) судья в судебном заседании |
3) to administer justice | c) несправедливость |
4) breach of justice | d) предавать суду; отдавать в руки правосудия |
5) to bring to justice | e) уголовная юстиция; правосудие по уголовным делам |
6) chief justice | f) мировой судья |
7) criminal justice | g) укрываться от правосудия |
8) to flee from justice | h) председательствующий судья |
9) deputy attorney | i) помощник судьи |
10) deputy foreman | j) представитель с ограниченными полномочиями |
11) deputy judge | k) заместитель старшины присяжных |
12) special deputy | l) помощник адвоката |
(d) Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents in the table:
1) to process a case | a) возбуждать обвинение |
2) to process a charge | b) протоколы обвинения |
3) to process documents | c) судебный приказ; судопроизводство |
4) process of prosecution | d) исполнительный приказ суда |
5) legal process | e) начать дело; преследовать в судебном порядке |
6) final process | f) оформлять документы |
7) to serve a process | g) судебный приказ, не имеющий юридической силы |
8) to violate due process rights | h) вручать судебный приказ |
9) void process | i) вызывать свидетеля повесткой в суд |
10) to serve a witness with a summons | j) нарушать права на соблюдение должной процедуры |
(e)Complete the sentences using the word combinations from the second column:
1) To take judicial proceedings against smb means | a) to separate from a husband or wife, granted by a judge, usually with arrangements favourable to the wronged person concerning money or children. |
2) A judicial separation is the right | b) a legal but unjust sentence of death. |
3) A judicial murder is | c) a system of law courts in a country. |
4) A judiciary system is | d) to bring a law case against him. |
5) Judicature is | e) the full title of the English Courts of Justice. |
6) The Supreme Court of Judicature is | f) a critical impartial person. |
7) A man with a judicial mind is | g) an ambiguous sentence or article in the law. |
8) A judiciary joker is | h) administration of justice, on the one hand, and the body of judges, on the other hand. |
9) Process is | i) the sheriff’s officer who delivers writs. |
10) A summons is | j) summons or writ ordering a person to appear in a law court. |
11) A process-server is | k) to undergo a period of imprisonment. |
12) To serve a sentence means | l) an order to appear before a judge or magistrate. |
(f) Complete the sentences using the words and word combinations from the box. If necessary, consult English-Russian dictionaries.
summons; judicial; administer(2); justified; to serve a summons; justice; served; Justice |
(1) The _______ was served by a bailiff. (2) Each ______ district is served by a chief magistrate and a number of magistrates. (3) He has already _______ three years of his sentence. (4) ________ is to deliver a summons to the person named in it. (5) The criminal was finally brought to ________. (6) The Department of ______ is the executive department, headed by the Attorney General, supervising internal security, immigration, naturalization, etc. (7) The Prime Minister ______ the action of the Government. (8) To ______ the law means to apply the law. (9) Don’t ______ punishment to this man. He is innocent.
TASK 7. Look through the laws and by-laws below and think it over why they haven’t been cancelled yet:
… In Texas, USA, it is illegal to swear near a corpse.
… In the town of New Ark, New Jersey, USA, it is illegal to buy ice-cream after 6 p.m. without written permission from your doctor.
… There is a law in Michigan, USA, which says that the husband is the owner of his wife’s hair.
… In Kentucky, USA, it is illegal to carry ice-cream in the back pocket of your trousers.
… In some towns of Colorado, USA, it is illegal for a man to kiss a sleeping woman. In some towns of Nevada, USA, it is illegal for men with moustache to kiss women.
… In the town of Providence, Rhode Island, it is illegal for shop owners to sell tooth-paste and tooth brushes to the same buyer on Sundays.
… According to the laws of several states in the USA women can divorce their husbands if they prove that the men snore too loudly at night.
… In the town of Zion, Illinois, it is illegal to give cigars to pets.
… In Saint Louis, Missouri, a fireman has no right to save a woman if she is wearing a night-gown.
… In Baltimore, Maryland, it is illegal to bring a lion to the cinema.
…In Pennsylvania there is a law which says that a man has no right to buy alcoholic drinks without written permission of his wife.
it is illegal – это незаконно
to swear – 1) (зд.) ругаться, богохульствовать; 2) клясться
a corpse - труп
written permission – письменное разрешение
TASK 8. Replace the underlined words and word combinations with the words from the box. If necessary, consult English-Russian dictionaries and/or other reference & source books on law.
resolved (4); discharged (2); discharge (3); offence/offense; imposed; traffic violations; offended; charged with |
(1) He decided that nothing should hold him back. (2) He separated the problem into its elements. (3) The accused man was found not guilty and was allowed to leave. (4) He decided to succeed. (5) The House of Commons converted itself into a committee. (6) He is faithful in the performance of his duties. (7) The members of the jury were set free from their duties. (8) How long will the unloading of the cargo take? (9) Will $100 be enough for the performance of your liabilities? (10) He was charged with a serious crime against the law. (11) He committed an offence against good manners, traditions and the law. (12) If a person is convicted of certain traffic offenses, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles will assess points against the person’s driver’s license. This is in addition to any sentence passed by the judge.
TASK 9. Match the legal terms on the left with their definitions on the right:
1) A misdemeanor is | a) who brings an action at law. |
2) A by-law/bye-law is | b) who has committed certain actions which, if committed by adults, would not be considered criminal offenses – such as truancy or habitually running away from home. |
3) A felony is | c) a legal offence less serious than a felony. It is any charge which carries a penalty of no more than one year in jail or a fine of up to $2,500, or both. |
4) A felon is a person | d) under 18. |
5) A defendant is a person | e) who offends by breaking the law. |
6) A plaintiff is a person | f) a law or regulation made by a local, rather than a central, authority. |
7) An offender is a person | g) found guilty for the first time and not usually treated severely. |
8) First offenders are criminals | h) who has often been found guilty. |
9) An old offender is a person | i) against whom a legal action is brought. |
10) A juvenile is any person | j) who has committed an act which would be a crime if committed by an adult. |
11) A delinquent is a juvenile | k) guilty of a felony. |
12) A “child in need of services” (CHINS) is a juvenile | l) the improper care or violent handling of juveniles. |
13) Child abuse and neglect involves | m) a major serious crime, e.g. murder, armed robbery, arson. It is any charge which may be punishable by more than one year in jail. |
TASK 10. Look through the laws and by-laws below and comment on the stupidest one:
…… In Sarasota it is illegal to sing in a public place if you are wearing a swimming costume.
… In Indiana it is illegal to swim in ponds, lakes and rivers in winter.
… There is a law in Iowa which says that kisses may last not more than five minutes.
… In Oklahoma, USA, the judge may sentence you to prison if you tease a dog.
… In Alaska it is illegal to throw a living deer out of a flying plane.
… In Connecticut it is illegal to cross the street on your hands.
… In Florida there is a law which forbids unmarried women to jump with a parachute on Sundays otherwise the police may arrest them, fine them or the judge may send them to prison.
… In Texas, USA, before 1932 an escape from prison was not considered a crime if the prisoner escaped without using fire arms.
… If you leave an elephant on the parking lot in Florida you must pay for the parking as if it were a car.
… In Indiana it is illegal to go to the cinema or to the theatre or use public transport if you ate garlic less than four hours before that.
parking lot – стоянка, место для парковки
TASK 11. Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents in the table:
1) trial court of general jurisdiction | a) осуществлять юрисдикцию |
2) to exercise jurisdiction | b) апелляционная юрисдикция (право вышестоящего суда пересмотреть приговор или решение нижестоящего суда) |
3) to extend the jurisdiction over smth | c) параллельная (совпадающая) юрисдикция |
4) original jurisdiction | d) исправительное учреждение тюремного типа |
5) appellate jurisdiction | e) обвинительный акт большого следственного жюри |
6) civil claim | f) процедура сертификации (обращение нижестоящего суда в вышестоящий за справкой по сложному юридическому вопросу в связи с рассматриваемым делом) |
7) civil case | g) бракоразводный процесс |
8) concurrent jurisdiction | h) дела об усыновлении/удочерении |
9) penitentiary | i) юрисдикция суда первой инстанции / рассмотрение дел по первой инстанции |
10) indictment | j) суд первой инстанции общей юрисдикции |
11) indictment of grand jury | k) завещание |
12) certification | l) имущественные споры |
13) divorce proceedings | m) обвинительный акт, предъявление обвинения |
14) will | n) гражданское дело |
15) property disputes | o) распространить юрисдикцию на что-либо |
16) adoption proceedings | p) гражданский иск |
1) to convene a grand jury | a) срок полномочий суда данного состава |
2) term of appeal | b) срок пребывания в должности, срок полномочий |
3) term of imprisonment | c) срок полномочий состава большого жюри |
4) term of office | d) предстать перед судом |
5) term of punishment | e) созвать большое следственное жюри |
6) term of the court | f) обвинительный акт; проект обвинительного акта |
7) term of the grand jury | g) должностное преступление правительственных чиновников |
8) term of the jury | h) срок наказания (по закону) |
9) to stand trial | i) апелляционный суд (в ряде штатов США промежуточная инстанция между судами первой инстанции и верховным судом штата) |
10) bill of indictment | j) просьба об апелляции; апелляционная жалоба |
11) special jury | k) срок правомочий состава присяжных |
12) malfeasance of governmental officials | l) срок подачи апелляции |
13) Court of Appeals / Appellate Court | m) специальный состав присяжных, специальное жюри (из числа лиц, имеющих образование и положение в обществе, для разбора особых категорий сложных дел) |
14) appeal from a decision of the court | n) срок тюремного заключения |
15) petition for appeal | o) апелляционная жалоба на решение суда |
1) writ of mandamus | a) заключение в тюрьму; лишение свободы; взятие под стражу; водворение в тюремную камеру или карцер |
2) writ of prohibition | b) административный орган; правительственное учреждение |
3) writ of habeas corpus | c) лат. судебный приказ должностному лицу о выполнении требования истца |
4) incarceration / imprisonment | d) потерпевшая ущерб сторона; сторона, чьи интересы нарушены |
5) administrative agency | e) приказ о запрещении производства по делу, запретительный судебный приказ (издается вышестоящим судом в целях исключения юрисдикции нижестоящей инстанции) |
6) aggrieved party | f) состав суда первой инстанции |
7) panel of jurors | g) лат. судебный приказ о защите неприкосновенности личности от произвольного ареста или судебный приказ о доставлении в суд лица, содержащегося под стражей, для выяснения правомерности содержания его под стражей |
8) panel of trial judges | h) лишение звания адвоката / лишение права адвокатской деятельности |
9) disbarment of an attorney | i) список присяжных |
10) the Supreme Court of Virginia | j) председатель Верховного Суда |
11) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court | k) разрешение споров |
12) dispute resolution | l) финансовая система / налоговая система |
13) fiscal system | m) отдел кадров |
14) personnel department | n) Верховный Суд Виржинии |
1) to file a lawsuit / an action | a) представить обвинительный акт, подшить обвинительный акт к делу |
2) to file a case | b) заявить об обвинении, выдвинуть обвинение |
3) to file a charge | c) подать апелляционную жалобу |
4) to file an appeal | d) подать иск |
5) to file an indictment | e) подшить дело, подать иск |
TASK 12. Match the legal terms on the left with their definitions on the right:
1) Equity suits are | a) a period during which a Court holds session. |
2) Term of the court is | b) prison for persons guilty of serious crimes, esp. one in which reform of the prisoners is the main aim. |
3) Penitentiary is | c) a written order issued in the name of a ruler or smb in authority to an official to do or not to do smth. |
4) A writ is | d) a party to a lawsuit feeling that it has been treated unjustly. |
5) Incarceration means | e) claims seeking a judgment for something other than money. |
6) An aggrieved party is | f) law dealing with private rights of citizens, not with crime. |
7) Civil law is | g) the Supreme Court of Virginia may order the holder of an office to perform his duty. |
8) A writ of habeas corpus is | h) the Supreme Court of Virginia may order an action stopped in a lower court. |
9) Cases of habeas corpus are cases when | i) imprisonment. |
10) Cases of mandamus are cases when | j) the Supreme Court of Virginia may order one holding custody to produce the detained person before the Court for the purpose of determining whether such custody is proper. |
11) Cases of prohibition are cases when | k) an order requiring a person to be brought before a judge or into court, esp. to investigate the right of the law to keep him in prison. |
Colorado funny laws
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