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From the History of the Bill of Rights

This bill was a …..to the American Bill of Rights, and set out strict …… on the Royal Family's legal prerogatives such as a prohibition against arbitrary suspension of Parliament's laws. More importantly, it limited the right to ……. money through taxation to Parliament.

William of Orange and his wife Mary were crowned King and Queen of England in Westminster Abbey on April 11, 1689. As part of their oaths, the new King William III and Queen Mary were …… to swear that they would obey the laws of Parliament. At this time, the Bill of Rights was read to both William and Mary. "We thankfully ……… what you have offered us," William replied, agreeing to be …….. to law and to be guided in his actions by the decisions of Parliament.

The Bill was formally …… through Parliament after the coronation. On December 16, 1689, the King and Queen gave it Royal Assent which represented the end of the concept of divine right of kings. The Bill of Rights was ……. to control the power of kings and queens and to make them subject to laws passed by Parliament. This concession by the royal family has been called the "bloodless revolution" or the "glorious revolution." It was certainly an era for a more tolerant royal prerogative.

The Bill of Rights was one of three very important laws made at this time. The other two were the 1689 Toleration Act (which promoted religious ……..) and the 1694 Triennial Act, which ……… the King from dissolving Parliament at his will and held that general elections had to be held every three years.

TASK 14. Answer the following questions:

1. What historical events preceded the Bill of Rights?

2. What was the main purpose of the Bill of Rights?

3. How was the power of monarch restricted?

4. What kind of civil rights were received by the people?

5. How were the members of Parliament protected by the Bill?

TASK 15. Study the text below, making sure you fully comprehend it. Where appropriate, consult English-Russian dictionaries and/or other reference & source books on law.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1460 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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