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Task 1.22 A. Study the word associations of the word using a dictionary

Task 1.22 B. Design a mind map for one of the following:

● crime ●homicide ● destruction

Task 1.22 C. Find words in the mind map which fit these definitions:

1. The past participle of the verb steal ______________________________________.
2. A person who enters a house to steal things________________________________.
3. To steal something from a person's pocket without him or her noticing__________.
4. To stop a person on the street and using violence or threats to rob him or her_____.
5. Going into a building by force to steal things (one word)_____________________.
6. A person who steals from a shop________________________________________.
7. A psychological compulsion to steal things________________________________.
8. A person who commits an act of theft____________________________________.
9. To rob a place, usually by using guns or other weapons______________________.
10. Things obtained by robbery____________________________________________.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 558 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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