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Verb noun

break • • rules
commit • • sanctions
violate • • behaviour
mold • • a case
frustrate • • a law
control • • a crime
express • • the opinion
involve • • aspirations
result in • • the norms
try• • a forfeiture of property

Task 1.14. Answer the following questions:

1. Is the definition of crime constantly changing and evolving?

2. What definitions of crime do you know? What do you think the best one?

3. What is the criminal law?

4. May the concept of crime be influ­enced by people who hold social power and use it to mold the law?

5. What factors influence the content of crime?

6. What are the most common categories of crime?

7. How are the UKcrimes classified?

8. How are the UScrimes classified?

9. What is the difference between the terms f elony and misdemeanor determined by?

10. Which crimes does the category of crimes against the person include?

11. Which crimes does the category of political offences crimes include?

12. What do public order offences lead to?

Task 1.15. Complete the sentences:

1. Crime is a legal wrong prohibited by...

2. The criminal law is a set of rules, codified...

3. The criminal law has a social con­trol function to …

4. Violation of these rules results in...

5. Crime is a violation of social rules of conduct …

6. Individuals who violate these rules may be subject to …

7. Crimes can be grouped by severity in some common categories such as...

8. Felony is...

9. A misdemeanoris...

10. The difference between the terms f elony and misdemeanor is determined …

11. In the UKcrimes are classified into ...

Task 1.16. Translate the following words into English and fill them in the text:

країни, штраф, протиправна дія, тюрма, громада, цивільний, злочини, правопорушення, форма, підробка, тяжкий злочин, вид, кримінальне право, закони, покарання, термін, довічне ув’язнення, зрада, подвійний шлюб, особа


Crime violates the laws of community,... or nation. It is punishable in accordance with these.... The definition of crime varies according to time and place, but the laws of most... consider as crimes such... as arson,..., burglary,..., murder and....

Not all offences against the law are.... The laws that set down the punishments for crimes form the.... This law defines as crimes those offences considered most harmful to the.... On the other hand a... may wrong someone else in some other way that offends the... law.

The common law recognizes three... of crime: treason, … and misdemeanour. Death or... is the usual... for treason. Laws in the United States, for example, define a felony as a crime that is punishable by a... of one year or more in a state or federal.... A person who commits a... may be punished by a... or a jail term of less than one year.

Task 1.17. Render the following text into English:

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 507 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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