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Ex.2. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words. Mind your grammar

to settle the account; in full settlement; to take up; to offer them for sale; guarantee period; to soak; forwarding agents; to be free from; carriage paid (2); replacements; negligence; to undertake

1. We are taken by surprise to learn that you mistakenly believe that our _____ is 24 months.

2. They look as if some dark liquid _____ into paper and stained most of the goods.

3. We realize that the responsibility for the damage is not with you and we have already _____ the matter with the carrier.

4. The guarantee shall not apply to damage due to _____ or improper handling on the part of the Buyer or to any other causes outside our control.

5. If you _____ within three months, we will grant you a special cash account of 2½% off the amount due.

6. Our agents opened the cases and found that all note-books were damaged so we cannot _____.

7. Should the equipment prove to be defective during the guarantee period we _____ to replace or repair any defective part free of charge within the period of 2 calendar months of the date of shipment provided that the defective part or parts have been returned to our plant, _____.

8. Our _____ informed us yesterday that two out of the twelve cases of stationary dispatched on November 9 were delivered damaged on the outside.

9. Will you therefore please arrange to send _____ without delay and charge them to our account?

10. After making all appropriate corrections we enclose our cheque for € 35,000 _____.

11. We guarantee that the equipment _____ defects in material, design and workmanship and it conforms to our highest standards.

12. The goods were dispatched in 10 crates (nos. 67-76) to your address by rail, _____.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 536 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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