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Translate into English using Future Tenses or Present Tenses with Future meaning

1. Оплата будет произведена путем открытия аккредитива.

2. Если образцы удовлетворят нашим требованиям, мы сделаем большой заказ.

3. Он собирается установить контакты с поставщиками.

4. Менеджер вот-вот подойдет.

5. Поезд прибудет в 5:30.

6. М-р Браун уезжает завтра.

7. Я попытаюсь сделать это.

8. Когда она приедет, то напечатает письмо.

9. Я собираюсь обсудить с Вами цену товара.

10. Как будет производиться оплата?

11. Когда он приезжает в Киев?

12. Я подготовлю письма.

13. Шеф подпишет письма после обеда.

14. Совещание закончится в три часа.

15. Мы собираемся подписать договор.

6. Find proper definitions:

Terms Definitions
1. Tax 2. Yield 3. Cash 4. Bond 5. Stock/share 6. A rating 7. Portfolio 8. Liquidity a) the pattern of investments held by a bank b) a government or local government security c) the actual return from a particular investment d) a unit of ownership in a company e) a stock thought to be of highest quality f) money collected by a government for its support g) the speed with which an investment can be redeemed for cash h) coins and bills

7. Put the verbs in brackets into a proper form according to the model

Model: They already (sign) the contract before the telex (come).

They had already signed the contract before the telex came.

1. We already (buy) 3000 computers when the government (impose) an important quota on them.

2. Our sales (reach) an amount of 13000 units a year before we (to set up) a joint venture with Apple Computers.

3. When the plane (land) I already (to arrive) at the airport.

4. I (to have breakfast) when the porter (enter) the room.

5. Mr. Baker (not, telephone) yet when the boss (call) me.

8. Translate into Russian:

1. We had invested the money before the new interest rates were introduced.

2. I had received regular dividends before I changed my account.

3. They made a new loan before they had checked current accounts.

4. I hadn't seen the latest bank statement by the time I discovered this loss.

5. The total profile bank had earned were published yesterday.

9. Home reading:


Britain's retail banks underpin the superstructure of London's financial and money markets and provide the financial support for Britain's private sector businesses and the bulk of the personal sector. Their core business has for centuries involved the taking of deposits and lending of money. Today, new information technology has vastly improved these and other services and in recent years the entire face of the British banking system has fundamentally changed.

As regards classic banking business, the direct ancestors of the modern retail banks were the London goldsmiths of the mid-17th century. Goldsmith firms gave promises to repay deposits of coin on demand in the form of bearer documents. These passed from hand to hand and thus became the first English bank notes. In time, goldsmiths extended their services to the provision of loans. They undertook transactions in both notes and coin, settling their various accounts through balances held at the Bank of England. This relationship with the Bank of England, through the discount house intermediaries, is essential to today's banking system in Britain.

Outside London, many provincial banks were formed in the second half of the 18th century, with about 700 in existence in the early 1800s. During the Victorian period high casualty levels were suffered among the small privately owned banks, particularly during the successive financial crises in the middle of the century. For example, of the 59 banks established in 1836, only the Midland (today one of the largest retail banks) survived 20 years later.

The banks in the rural area, the "country banks", had more depositors than borrowers and used London banks as agents to make loans to borrowers in developing industrial areas. They did this mainly by discounting bills of exchange. The system originated the London discount market and played an important part in financing the industrial revolution. During the middle and late 19th century the growth and prosperity of industrial firms led in turn to the amalgamation of smaller banks and growth of large networks of banking branches.


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1236 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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