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Read and translate the text. 2. Learn the vocabulary: intermediary - посредник to lend - предоставлять заeм insurance company - страховая компания

2. Learn the vocabulary:

intermediary - посредник
to lend - предоставлять заeм
insurance company - страховая компания
transmission - трансмиссия, передача
giro system - жиросистема (через счета в почтовых отделениях)

3. Put one of the given words or word combinations into the blanks:

board of directors, capital, dividends, investments, loan, profit, reserves, statement, stockholders, vice-president.

1. The men who control the activities of the bank will meet today. The......... will meet.

2. They were chosen by all the parties who hold part ownership in the bank. They we-re chosen by the....

3. The board will discuss the hiring of a person to assist the president. They must hire a new....

4. They'll also discuss the new announcement of the bank's financial condition. They will discuss the....

5. Then they must make a decision about the earnings they're keeping back for later use. They must decide what to do about the....

6. This is money held by the bank in addition to the amount the stock­holders put up to start the bank. It's money held in addition to the....

7. The board may want to pay money to the stockholders out of prof­its. They may give out....

8. Quite a lot of money was left over this year after all the bank's expenses were paid. The... were high.

9. The president will ask to approve a large... to a customer. This is money owned by the bank which the customer will be permitted to use for a time and then return with an additional payment for its use.

10. The board will probably discuss the money which the bank has put into other businesses in order to make profits. They'll discuss the bank's....

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 459 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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