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1. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words:

account - счет

accountant - бухгалтер

board of directors - совет директоров

capital - капитал

clerk - служащий

current account - текущий счет

deposit account - депозитный счет

depositor - вкладчик

dividend - дивиденд

draw upon an account (v) - снимать со счета

invest (v) - инвестировать

interest - процент, процентный доход

joint stock - акционерный капитал

loan - ссуда, заем, кредит

profit - прибыль

reserve - резерв, запас

run the hank (v) - управлять банком

shares - акции

shareholder - акционер

statement - выписка из банковского счета

standing order - постоянное поручение клиента банку

2. Find the nouns that are qualified in the passage by these adjectives and make up sentences of you own:

clerical over-all

necessary day to day

published total

3. Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases:

1. The board appoints the..... and the.....

2. An employee in a bank who pays out and receives money is called a...

3. The Board of Directors is elected by the......

4. The Board may distribute..... to the shareholders out of the profits once or twice a year.

5. The..... may be high even after all the bank's expenses are paid.

6. A bank will need to seek approval for a large..... to a customer.

7. The Board will discuss the bank's..... in other businesses.

4. Find proper definition:

Terms Definitions  
1. Capital 2. Dividend 3. Deposit account 4. Retained profits 5. Current account   a) a sum of money paid to a shareholder out of profits in relation to his investment b) an account in a bank from which money can be drawn by cheque c) profits not paid out as dividends and added to the surplus d) the money value of the shareholders stake in the bank or company e) an account in a bank on which the depositor receives interest  

5. Role play:

1. You are a bank manager mid you were asked for a loan.

2. Consider the things you will worry about the loan and the questions you will want to be answered; you should give particular consideration to:

— whether you will have sufficient funds to make this loan,

— whether you think the customer will he able to repay loan and interest,

— whether you would offer all or part of what is being asked,

— whether you need any further evidence of the credit-worthiness of your customer and how you would get it,

— what sort of security would you accept,

— what kind of term would you offer.

6. Translate the following word combinations. Make up sentences of your own:

an essential tool of civilization, the direct exchange of goods and services, the great disadvantage of barter, a laborious system of exchange, an amazing variety of goods and services, a piece of furniture, the value of one commodity, a means of making deferred payments, in the case of hire purchase

7. Make up sentences using these words:

1. limits, of, economics, to, study, the, of, aspects, the, material, itself, life.

2. problem, an, is, underlying, economics, in, that, sur­vival, of.

3. seem, may, a problem, very, this, remote.

4. very, starvation, a, prospect, millions, for, real, human, beings, is, of.

5. peasants, an, Indian, have, living, of, the, low, extremely, standard.

6. people, great, experience, poverty, these.

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