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Markus Opens the Negotiations

It's finally lunchtime and Markus and Louis meet as planned. Markus offers for Louis to speak first, but Louis declines.

Markus: Thanks again for agreeing to meet today. I really appreciate you taking the time during your lunch.

Louis: Okay, well, let's get started. I'd like to resolve this as soon as possible so we can get back to work.

Markus: Great. Okay, well, if there's anything you'd like to say first, please be my guest.

Louis: Oh, no, I insist you go first. After all, you're the one who asked to meet with me.

Markus: Very well then. First of all I want you to know that I am fully aware of the challenges you have faced in running this company in the last few years. I understand that the poor weather last year ended up costing you and all of the local landscape companies a lot of money. However, I think you realize that I am unsatisfied with my current salary. I've been with Landscape labourers for 5 years now and there have been many other years that were profitable. Despite how much your business has grown, I'm making less than a dollar more than I was the day I started.

Louis: You're lucky to have a job in these times.

Markus: Yes, and I'm very thankful that you have employed me all this time, especially during the slow seasons when the company is struggling to make a profit. It means a lot to me to have that stability, which is why I have remained loyal to your company.

Louis: You haven't had much choice but to remain loyal, Markus. There are no jobs out there.

Markus: Well if you don't mind, I'd like to finish what I have to say and then you can let me know what your position is. As a matter of fact, there are a few companies hiring right now in our area. These are not all necessarily companies that I would be interested in working with. For example, you and I both know that I would never want to work for a company such as Powell Designs. I'd much prefer to be associated with a company like Landscape Labourers because we do a good job. Having said that, I took the liberty of calling a few other local companies to find out what type of salary packages they offer to their foremen.
Louis: Foremen? I don't have a foreman. I never have. It's not my style. Don't forget, you're a contract labourer just like the rest of the crew.
Markus: Yes, I thank you for bringing that up. Besides deserving a higher salary, one that is competitive with local companies, I also think that I deserve a new title. You and I both know that the crew looks to me as though I am a foreman, even though I don't have the title.

Louis: You don't have the title, but you don't have the responsibility either. It's a lot of work being a foreman.

Markus: Exactly. And you can't say that you haven't noticed me coming in earlier than the others and leaving later. I also designate jobs to all of the crew members each morning and call suppliers when needs arise. These are duties of a foreman, am I right?

Louis: I suppose. But a foreman also helps solve conflicts that arise within a team, and deals with customer complaints. You always pass those things on to me.

Markus: I agree with you on that. However, I would be willing to take on these extra responsibilities, should you offer me a foreman position at a rate of $25.00 per hour.


1. Who takes part in these negotiations? What are their positions, do you think?

2. What problem is being discussed?

3. What are Markus’s demands? Do you find them reasonable?

4. Do you think he found the convincing arguments to prove his point?

5. What’s Louis’s attitude towards Markus’s demands, judging by the information from the script?

6. The dialogue is unfinished. Complete it making different endings:

- Markus achieves his goal.

- Louis stands his ground.

- Markus and Louis find a compromise.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 330 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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