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Briefly, the main points that have been made are …

To sum up then, there seems to be …

Task 1: Answer the questions and do the assignments

1. What is the idea of a meeting?

2. What lines are meeting divided along?

3. Characterize different types of meetings.

Task 2: Organize the vocabulary below by matching them with the right question. The first one has been done for you.

uncooperative decide a meeting brainstorm a waste of time competitive a chat friendly action interesting chair (person/man/woman) propose delegate negotiate a discussion useful items reports to call a meeting exchange ideas a conference matters colleague postponeto set up a meeting participant recommend subjects issuesagreement stimulating topics pointless points boring positive negative collaborative unproductiveminutes hostile cooperative helpful productive proceedings useless unfriendly agenda discuss disagreement
What do we call it? How do we organize it?
Who participates? What’s the atmosphere like? uncooperative
What do we do? What do we talk about?
What’s the result? What did we think of it all?

Task 3. Role-play. Enact a meeting of the Board of Directors of an imaginary company. Follow the lines:

- Choose the type of the meting

- Work out the agenda (the main issue on the agenda: the position of a company during/after the crisis)

- Determine the list of participants

- Hold the meeting using the recommended vocabulary.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 316 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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