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Ex 2. Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations from the table

ability, impact, develop, “must have”, interact, activities, manage, teamwork, develop, cooperate, orally.

Employers consistently rank collaboration very high on their list of ___1___ competencies, which is not surprising given changes in the workplace. This broad competency is best understood as a cluster of related “interpersonal skills” that give one the power to ___2___ effectively with others, including the ___3___ to communicate effectively both ___4___ and in writing, to relate well to others and ___5___ with them, to negotiate and ___6___ conflicts, and to lead through persuasion. When asked about these separate interpersonal skills, employers rate graduates worst in oral and written communications. But classroom teachers should bear the only responsibility: Research shows that athletics and other student ___7___ (yearbook, student government, etc.) can help students ___8___ skills related to leadership and ___9___ and have a positive ___10___ on later earnings.

Ex 3. Make up dialogues on the major trends in the 21st century education. Use as many words from the text (in bold type) as possible.

Ex 4. Comment on the broader competencies necessary for students to succeed in work and life. Which of them are the most important, in your opinion? Which ones do you personally possess or try to develop? Discuss the issue in class.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 821 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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