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Ex 1.Suggest the Russian equivalents

European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), network of relationships, prospective members, the rule of law, the respect for and protection of minorities, a functioning market economy, international currency unrest, in the wake of the oil crisis, the dismantling of internal barriers, the avoidance of excessive deficits, sound public finances, the transfer of monetary policy competence, sustainable convergence, stability-oriented economic policies, domestic prices.

Ex 2. Fill in the gaps with the words & expression from the text.

1. This network of relationships …… over the years.

2. The conditions …… before entering the EU are Copenhagen criteria.

3. ……, the then nine Member States of the EEC created the EMS.

4. Stage One was characterized mainly by …… of a single European market.

5. On 1 January 2002 euro banknotes and coins become …… in the …… countries.

6. The criteria …… to ensure that only countries with …… and a track record in …… are admitted to Stage Three of EMU.

7. The individual countries that now …… were relatively open economies before they joined the euro area.

8. The fact that the euro area has …… economy means that …… of foreign goods have only …… on domestic prices.

9. Consumers andfirms can now …… and find the most …… in the euro area.

10. There is no longer any …… between currencies.

Ex 3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

усилиться и углубиться, принятие соглашения, взять на себя обязательства, установленные законом правила, права человека, идея была возрождена, вступить в силу, свободное движение людей, товаров, капитала и услуг, избежание чрезмерного дефицита, присоединение к еврозоне, сравнимый с, резкие колебания обменных курсов, экономить время и деньги.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 419 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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