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Strengths and Weaknesses of a Student

Being organized is an example of a student’s strength.

A student is responsible for attending classes, taking detailed notes, reading the required materials and studying for tests and examinations. Since each student is different in terms of skills and motivation, the strengths and weaknesses of each student will differ. A student's strengths and weaknesses may also depend on the courses being taken. A student may thrive in one area of study but struggle in another. Nevertheless, there are some qualities that may be considered as uncontestable.

- Being organized

A powerful strength of a student is the ability to remain organized. A student has several courses and reading lists at a single time, so the student must have the ability to stay organized. This can include having a calendar on which the student writes the deadlines of projects, assignments and examinations so she or he does not miss an important deadline. If the student also needs to read chapters or books before attending a class, the student could write each chapter onto the calendar to ensure that all tasks are completed before entering a class or seminar.

- Being hard working

Another strength that is beneficial for a student is the ability to work hard. Working hard can include staying at the library late at night, staying home while other students go out and party on the weekend and completing projects well in advance of their due dates. The ability to work hard is considered a strength for a student, as it can be hard to say no to a party with friends or to remain active at the library once it gets dark outside.

Unfortunately, there are things that can hamper the process of studying, especially if the student gives in to them.

- Lack of motivation

A lack of motivation can severely hurt a student when it comes to completing projects. The lack of motivation is considered a weakness for many students, particularly those who experience a lack of motivation in all school-related items. Although a project may be inspiring and interesting to a student, the lack of motivation can harm a student's productivity. Some students may copy or purchase completed essays or assignments online due to their lack of motivation.

- Procrastination

One of the biggest weaknesses students often face is procrastination, which is finding other smaller things to do even though the student has one or two large tasks at hand. The weakness is giving in to the procrastination, which can include surfing the Internet about related topics, going out for lunch with friends or watching a movie.

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Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 659 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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