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Ex. 15. Choose the correct modal verb or its equivalent

1. You (may/ought to/are to) take care of your parents. 2. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I’m afraid I (cannot/may not/won’t be able to) read without glasses. 3. Twelve delegates from several countries (can/have to/are to) meet at the end of February. 4. Excuse me, (could/may/must) you tell me the way to the Houses of Parliament? 5. The weather is getting worse. It (must/is likely/may) rain. 6. There are no people in the hall, we (must/can/need) have a talk there. 7. Although he felt ill, he (could/was able to/may) finish all the paperwork. 8. You (can/must/ought to) go and see that movie. It’s very interesting. 9. Don’t worry, you (don’t have to/mustn’t/may not) pay now.10 When we were at school, we (had to/ought to/must) wear a uniform.

Ex. 16. Give the proper English equivalents for the Russian expressions.

1. Нам пришлось perform the operation of addition to find the answer. 2. Ему предстоит specify the conditions of the experiment. 3. Им разрешают use a dictionary if necessary. 4. Я в состоянии solve this difficult problem myself. 5. Вам следует remember that multiplication is associative. 6. Ей не надо use this theorem. 7. Они могут apply their theories in practice. 8. Вы обязаны remember several rules about division. 9. Можно мне start the calculations now? 10. Вам следует to accept everything your parents say as an axiom.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1002 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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