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Ex. 12. Make the sentences negative and interrogative

1. We can add numbers in any order. 2. You should discuss the rules of multiplication at the next lesson. 3. Mathematicians were able to discover another fundamental law of nature. 4. The result must be checked immediately. 5. You have to decide on the subject of your thesis. 6. They may misunderstand the theoretical character of the problem. 7. We were allowed to work on our experiment out of class. 8. They will be able to use some symbols instead of words. 9. We need to use special methods to obtain necessary results. 10. You ought to study carefully the definitions given above.

Ex. 13. Ask special questions.

1. Scientists should develop this important branch of mathematics. (What) 2. In antiquity people could count using positive integers. (When) 3. We are not allowed to use zero as a divisor. (Who) 4. Natural numbers may be divided into two classes: even and odd. (How many) 5. She was able to obtain the solution by multiplying two numbers. (How) 6. He had to speak English at the international conference. (Where) 7. I must discuss the details of my dissertation with the science adviser. (Who(m)) 8. You need to follow your teacher’s instructions during the test. (Whose) 9. You ought to do your best and fulfil the task. (What) 10. First you are to perform the operation of division and then multiply the quotients. (Which)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 532 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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