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I.Use the following words to complete each expression

issue say mind thought decision consideration

a Originally, he agreed to work with us, but now he has changed his __________________.

b She said she would come, but now she’s having second __________________ s.

c The boss always has the final __________________ in purchases over 1500.

d I’ve given the matter a lot of __________________.

e Everyone in the department backed the __________________ to abandon the project.

f There are several factors to take into __________________.

g There are several things that we should bear in __________________.

h They haven’t addressed the problem at all: they’ve completely dodged the __________________.

i I’ m in two __________________ s about whether to accept their proposal or not.

j Time was short. We had to make a snap __________________.

II. These are some tips from negotiation experts. Fill in the gaps.

1. you should…more than you…(speak/ listen)

2. Remember: never… but always…(ask questions/ interrupt)

3. He who talks figures… will finish… (first/ last)

4. Being… is a powerful tool. Being…is only destructive (assertive/ aggressive)

5. Sellers should ask for… than they expect to receive, and buyers should offer… than they are prepared to pay.(more/ less)


Read the text. Try to understand the key points. Give each extract a headline.

- Barriers To Successful Negotiation

- Conclusion

- Not Trying To Understand The Other Person

- Becoming Emotional

- Trying To Win At All Costs

- Overview of the Negotiation Process

- Blaming The Other Person

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 422 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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